2011年11月10日 星期四

Research Project Submission

My concept for this tutorial clip is mainly focus on how to use the triggers and flow graphs. This is about how to manage two flow graphs for one object at the same time. This tutorial is for the advance level sandbox2 users, since the flow graph is not hard to understand. The users could control the size and the speed of rotation of the entity.

This concept comes from when I was playing video games. When the player reaches some venue, something will move or change, like the ground may move or the wall may growing bigger. So the game level will become harder for the players.

exp2 final submission

Final Clip

The feed I choose for this experiment is Creating Space with Light’, which is about the relationship between the number of people and the lighting space.  My concept is that the building implies the indoor space.  The colour use of indoor want to suggest the visual lighting in the city, like the bars and disco.  The player in this experiment represents the number and capacity of people.  So, once distance between the player and the building is getting closer, the building inside becomes lighter.  Because in the real world, the capacity and number of people would affect the lighting space—that is when the capacity and number are larger, there would be lighter inside the building.  One the other side, when the player is getting closer to the centre of the building, the hanging light would become bigger and greater which also represents the capacity and number of people creating a larger lighting space.


when player is getting closer to the lighting space, the data shows the distance between the lighting space and player is decreasing

the capacity determines the number of lighting space

when player is close to the centre of lighting space the hanging light would becomes lighter and greater

sketchup models :

Crysis Mod :

2011年9月10日 星期六

Exp 1 Final Submission

Design Concept and Ideas

The feed that I have chosen from the Pachube was about the air quality of California.  This reminds me that the struggle between technology development and protecting natural.  The concept here is the Pure War of these two camps.  Since human beings always just concern about the development of new technologies, and ignore the harmfulness towards the natural.  Consequently, many phenomenon appear, like aire pollution and global warming.

The design of my buildings are mostly suggest the new technologies and the initially scene (Quarry) implies the natural environment.  Such that I used some modern materials like metal and glowing effects as the surface and materials of the buildings.  The glowing effects represents the future.  People also follow the light to go, yet the light here is merely an illusion—people will lost on the way of development without protecting of nature.  At the same time, this whole feeling of the settings gives people a sense of lost and mess, however, a kind of simple.  This indicates that human being always lost their way and mind while developing, and this lead to the destruction of natural environment.  In other words, this is an war between the nature and human.

sketchup link: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=c37669ec50488874cc4ec208e6384474

Crysis War Mod link : http://www.mediafire.com/?rtxspptdrb1v2m7

2011年8月12日 星期五

Week 1

I found the pachube.com is an interesting site, which provides a lot of feeds.  I’d like the category of ‘Japan’.  Most of the content of ‘Japan’ are about the radiation in Japan, like ‘Radiation monitoring, Kyoto , Japan’ and ‘Radiation dose in Kushiro City, Hokkaido, Japan’.  Those graphs could help to understand the situation and variations easily.